
Self Care in the NICU

Self Care in the NICU

The NICU can feel overwhelming, so much so, that self care goes by the wayside. Here’s the thing about self care, we can’t take care of our baby/babies if we aren’t taking care of ourselves. This doesn’t mean we have to do it all ourselves, but...
Finding Community in the NICU

Finding Community in the NICU

The day my water broke, I was on my way to my baby shower. I was expected to get showered with presents, funny stories and enjoy my swollen baby belly for another two months. But Bree had other plans. I woke up in a puddle, and before I knew it, I was rushing to the...
Starting Solids with your Preemie

Starting Solids with your Preemie

I don’t know about you, but I couldn’t wait to start solids with my preemie. Anything that brought normalcy, and a sense of another milestone being hit felt victorious! Starting solids with your preemie or NICU grad is an exciting step. I read up on...