Posts: preemies

When Breastfeeding Fails

When Breastfeeding Fails

I had never, ever thought about breastfeeding and really wanted no part of it.  I was okay with formula feeding since I had seen my niece and nephew thrive just fine on formula feeds. As I learned that I was having twins and that they were probably going to be...
Through the Eyes of a Father

Through the Eyes of a Father

When you get a phone call from the hospital telling you that they are going to transfer your wife and deliver your twins 3 months early, everything stops.  The next thing I know, I’m leaving work and on my way back to the hospital.  Melissa was pretty out of it...
The Forgotten NICU Parent

The Forgotten NICU Parent

Preemie Babies 101 is a misleading name for our blog. We’re about more than just preemies. We’re about the experience of the NICU as a whole, and those that write for us share those experiences with our readers even when it’s difficult to go back...